
Showing posts from September, 2022

General medicine e-log

  A 35 y old female came to opd With chief complaints of abdominal pain,fever,nausea  HOPI: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 days back. Then she developed abdominal pain which was severe and went to local hospital for treatment and then she developed fever. She was a known case of renal calculus since 1 year.on CT examination increase in size of renal calculus is seen..she was then referred to our hospital  Patient came to surgery department with complaints of abdominal pain since 6 days, Pain was present throughout the day,it was radiating to back on the right side and it was radiating towards thigh on the left side. Fever was present since 4 days  Not associated with vomitings,loose stools.  She had episodes of black coloured urine and stools on mon evening  She had a platelet count of 6000  Then she had a blood transfusion. Past history: Not a known case of diabetes,asthma,TB She was diagnosed with renal calculi 1 year back . She was diagnosed with arthritis in 2017  For which

General medicine e-log

  This is an E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable comments in comment box are most welcomed  I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of  "Patient clinical data analysis"  to develop my competency i reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan.   Chief complaints: A 35 year old male came with complaints of  fever since 5 days cough since 2 days  breathlessness since 1 day HOPI: Pt was apparently assymptomatic 5 days back then developed

General medicine e-log

  E-LOG GENERAL MEDICINE Hi, This is Nikitha , a fifth semester medical student. This is an e-LOG depicting patient's de-identified data centered approach for learning medicine. This log has been created after taking consent from patient and his family. Here we discuss about patient's problems with a series of inputs with an aim to solve them. 40y old female came admitted in hospital   Chief complaints: H/o fever since 4days which is of low grade intermittent with no chills &rigor H/o of nausea since 3days H/o of food intake since 3days H/o of generalized weakness nd loose stools since a day  HOPI Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5days back  On 4th low grade fever, generalized weakness associated with cough consulted local hospital for hypotension started on fluids and discharged.she had nausea which resulted on food intake, history of loose stool of 4to 5 episodes watery, foul smelling ,non mucoid ,non bloody not associated with abdominal pain Cough  since 4 days produc

General medicine case blog

   A 65 y old male came admitted in hospital  for regular daislysis . Chief complaints: Facial puffiness, pedal odema,shortness of breath  History of presenting illness:- Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 yrs back The he suddenly developed fever,generalised weakness for which he visited local hospital. After examination and investigations done  Patient was diagnosed with hypertension and renal failure and was referred to another hospital in Hyderabad. There he was treated with medications and patient was almost normal for an year and continued his daily activities. After 1 yr patient stopped his medication and started consuming alcohol and toddy. Then he developed symptoms of fever,severe facial oedema ,pedal oedema ,hypertension,shortness of breath,cough,oliguria,loss of appetite. Now he again revisited the hospital in Hyderabad after examination and investigations he was diagnosed with complete renal failure and suggested to get dialysis done . Patient came to narketpally and adm