60 y old male patient with ckd on mhd

   This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

Name: P.Nikitha

Roll no: 102

60 y old male  who is resident of suryapet ,farmer by occupation  came to opd with 

chief complaints :-

Pedal edema since 3 months

Shortness of breath Since 20 days

Decreased urine output since 15 days

Weakness of lower limbs since 4 days

History of presenting illness:-

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months back when he noticed  bilateral pedal edema initially extending to ankle Gradually progressed up to thighs which worsened during last 15 days.

-Decreased urine output since 15 days, not associated with frequency, urgency burning micturation.

-Grade 3 shortness of breath, no aggravating and relieving factors.

-fever since 15 days intermittent associated with chills and rigors

Series of events :-

History of trauma by fall from tree 25 years back 

For which he used NSAIDS for 4/5 yrs .. 

and then 7 years back when patient was undergoing hydrocele surgery he was diagnosed with ckd accidentally . For which he got treated by dailysis initially and then he started using medications and was apparently well till 3 months back

3 months back patient developed bilateral pedal edema, facial puffiness  for the first time and shortness of breath so he visited local hospital and they referred to our hospital for dailysis.

Since then patient was coming here regularly twice a weak for dialysis .

After his last dialysis session he went back home and he developed discomfort in chest and weakness of limbs . Patient also had few episodes of altered sensorium in between which was associated with fever and chills .So he was brought to hospital again.

Past history :

He is known case of hypertension since 6 months and was on medication.

Not a known case of asthma , diabetes mellitus,epilepsy,tuberculosis 

There is history of blood transfusions .

Personal history:-

Mixed diet,normal bowel movements,decreased urine output since 15 days .

Addictions :- consumed alcohol for 20 years every 3/4 days

Consumed toddy everyday for 40 years.

Daily routine:-

Before 3 years :-

Wakes up at 5 am and goes to field and toddy trees 

Breakfast at 9 am -rice

Afternoon- lunch 12 pm

Evening drinks toddy 

And dinner by 9 pm and sleep

Now :

Wake up at 8 am 

Breakfast at 9 am

Skips lunch and dinner at 8 pm

He is not going to work,not as active as in the past

Family history:-

Father had hypertension 

General Examination:

- Patient is conscious, coherent,cooperative.

-Moderately built and nourished.

-pallor present 

- clubbing is seen

- no signs of icterus , generalized lymphadenopathy.

-bilateral pedal edema.( Pitting)



PR: 98

Rr: 29/ min

Bp:100/80 mm Hg. 

Spo2: 84%

GRBS:124 mg/dl

-Systemic examination:-

Cardiovascular System:-

On Inspection:-

Chest wall is bilaterally symmetrical.

No precordial bulge is seen 

No spine deformity

No precordial prominence

No scars and distended veins 

No Apical Impusle

On Palpation:-

No local rise of temperature and tenderness 

Apex beat -felt in the left 5th intercoastal space in the mid clavicular line 

No cardiovascular pulsation like no thrills and rubs felt

On Auscaltation-

mitral area apex -S1 S2heard;no murmur 

Tricuspid area - S1 S2 heard;no murmur 

Aortic area - S1 S2 heard;no murmur

Pulmonary area- S1 S2 heard;no murmur

Respiratory system:

-Position of trachea central.

- Bilateral airway entry present.

-Dyspnea present 

- no wheeze.



-No tenderness

-No palpable mass

-Spleen : not palpable

-liver : not palpable.

CNS examination:

Higher mental functions are intact

Cranial nerves are intact

Motor system:


                         Right             Left

Mid arm          25cm.            25 cm

Fore arm.         18 cm.            18 cm

Mid thigh.         37 cm.           37 cm

Mid leg              27 cm.            27 cm


                        R.                           L

Upper limb     Hypertonia       Hypertonia

Lower limb.     Hypertonia       Hypertonia 

Power             R.                           L

Upperlimb       4/5                      4/5

Lowerlimb        3/5                      3/5

Reflexes :  

Superficial :-

Corneal present 

Conjunctival present

Abdominal present

Plantar present 


Reflexes are absent 

Sensory system:-

TEST                                      RIGHT     LEFT


1. Crude touch.                           N.             N

2. Pain.                                        N.             N

3. Temperature.                         N.              N


1. Fine touch.                               N.              N

2. Vibration.                          Unable to perform

3. Position sense.                     3/10.           4/10


1. Two point discrimination.      N.              N

2. Tactile localisation.               N.               N

3.Stereognosis.                          N.               N

Cerebellar signs :-

No nystagmus ,no pendular knee jerk,no tremors


Finger nose test : abnormal 

Heel knee test : abnormal 

Gait:- patient is walking with support by attenders and  by bending forward




Provisional diagnosis : 

chronic kidney disease on maintenance hemodialysis with anemia of chronic disease with hypertension.quadriparesis? under evaluation 


Inj PIPTAZ : 2.25 gm I.v twice a day. 

Inj LASIX : 40 mg Iv twice a day 

Inj NEOMAL : 14mg IV sos 

 Tab : Oral NODOSIS 500 mg twice a day 

Tab: Oral SHELCAL 50 mg twice a day 

Tab : oral ECOSPRIN 50mg H/S

Tab OROFER once a day 

Tab : DOLO 650 mg QID.

On 28 /11/23 

Patient was on salt restriction < 1.5 g / day 

Patient was on fluid restriction <1.5l per day 

Inj : PIPTAZ 2.25 gm iv /tid 

Inj LASIX 40 mg iv /bid 

Inj MEOMOL 14 mg iv sos if temp >101 

Tab : ECOSPRIN 50mg H/S 

Tab : OROFER once a day 

Tab DOLO 650 mg every 6 hourly 

Tab NODOSIS 500 mg PO /BD 

Tab SHELCALT 500 mg /BD.

On 29/11/23

TAB. LINOD 10mg twice a day. 

Inj LASIX : 40 mg Iv twice a day 

Tab : Oral NODOSIS 500 mg twice a day 

Tab: Oral SHELCAL 500 mg twice a day

Inj.EPO 4000 IU ,SC once weekly

Tab : oral ECOSPRIN 75mg H/S

Inj NEOMAL : 14mg IV sos 

Tab : DOLO 650 mg QID

Inj PIPTAZ : 2.25 gm I.v thirice a day.


On 30 /11/23 


Inj PIPTAZ : 2.25 gm I.v twice a day. 

Inj LASIX : 40 mg Iv twice a day 

Inj NEOMAL : 14mg IV sos 

 Tab : Oral NODOSIS 500 mg twice a day 

Tab: Oral SHELCAL 50 mg twice a day 

Tab : oral ECOSPRIN 50mg H/S

Tab OROFER once a day 

Tab : DOLO 650 mg QID

Intermittent CPAP 

Oxygen supplementation 1-2


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