Prefinal osce and learning objectives
Blog link :- Learning points learnt how to perform joint proprioception test properly Learnt another way of assessing vibration sense (time duration). Learnt the importance of daily routine for identifying the onset of disesase properly. Learnt how to assess complete cns examination Learnt about indications and complications of dialysis Osce Ques:- Causes of quadriparesis? Can be due to Infections,toxins,drugs .medical conditions like guillian barre syndrome, DKA,electrolyte disturbances . Injury or trauma to spine In this patient can it be due to history of fall?ekectrolyte imbalance? Ques:- dialysis disequilibrium syndrome Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome (DDS) refers to an array of neurological manifestations seen during or following dialysis, primarily after the new initiation of dialysis.However, it can al